Claudia Habringer | in resonance

  • in resonance with Ludovico Einaudi
  • Tage der offenen Ateliers in Tirol 2022
  • my center of the universe

    Everything that is, everything that exists, came from the invisible. What you can see and touch is just the end of a longer process before. „In resonance with the center of the universe“ felt like a…

  • art?

    Galleries, books, 2D, 3D, online and physical, or physically in Metaverse, or has anyone thought of “in one self”? …I’m curious about 7D though. Maybe in a decade? There are many different bubbles of reality and…

  • the window/IMST

    Meine Gedanken kreisen um ein Schaufenster. Wie lege ich es an? SCHAUEN und SEHEN sind die Hauptakteure. Wer schaut wohin? Was will ich sehen? Was sehe ich nicht? Denken wir erst und sehen dann? Was sehen…